Cure the Curse in about an hour Rejuvall Non-Surgical Penis Enlargements

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Got Questions?

REJUVALL® is America's longest running men's sexual health clinic, and we have been doing male engagement operations longer than anyone else.

In other words?

We practically wrote the book on how to safely and effectively perform male enlargements.

What is the average size of a man's penis?

What's the average length of a man's penis?

"Six inches" is the most common "pop culture" response to this query. However, this result was derived from self-reporting investigations conducted over fifty years ago.

There have been countless updated studies on penis size over the decades but the one that's most respected in regards to accuracy was published in 2014 in the
British British Journal of Urology by David Veale, Professor of Psychology at King’s College, London Medical School that included 15,500 men.

Following are "average" penis size for both length and girth from that BJU study:

Average Length
Average Flaccid Length: 3.7 inches
Average Erect Length: 5.25 inches

Average Thickness
Average Flaccid Circumference: 3.75 inches
Average Erect Circumference: 4.7 inches
These results are somewhat smaller than other studies you might encounter. However, analysis of the protocols from other studies that failed to manage the wide number of variances that can impact measured size such as clinical conditions like a patient's existing health conditions, any medications the patient is taking, arousal level, age and weight. The most notable variance between results appeared to be rooted in the patient influencing the measured size either by self reporting or badgering the person performing the study.

The results from the study published by Dr. Veale in the
British British Journal of Urology are considered the most accurate by urologists.

How is a REJUVALL® Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement Performed?

In-office REJUVALL® non-surgical penis enlargements are performed by an expert, board-certified urologist who is widely regarded as one of the nation's foremost reconstructive penile trauma surgeons. The majority of non-surgical REJUVALL® procedures are completed in less than an hour using numbing ointment as anesthesia. The injectable filler also contains a local anaesthetic that immediately numbs the injected area. The procedure may occasionally be slightly sensitive, but the majority of patients report that it is not "painful". During these procedures, no incisions, stitches, scalpels, or general anesthesia are used. Before beginning, all patients must undergo a brief urologic evaluation.

Who Performs Rejuvall's Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement Procedures?
Rejuvall's procedures were developed through a decade long collaborative effort between founder Steven L. Morganstern, MD and co-founder Kenneth J. Carney, MD, PHARM, FACS. Together, they have over 70 years of cutting edge urologic expertise.
Dr. Carney presently performs all the procedures at Rejuvall.
What's REJUVALL's secret to success with a non-surgical enlargement?

Success is all about well executed Foundational Layering™

REJUVALL® filler results are directly tied to our dedication with establishing an optimal foundation within the penis in order to accommodate your desired circumference.

We are not only America's foremost penis enlargement clinic, but also one of the most renowned penis enlargement "repair" clinics, as Dr. Carney was Chief of Urology at Emory's renowned Grady Memorial Hospital for 20 years, the most highly regarded Level I trauma centre on the east coast.

He discovered that the leading cause of problems associated with non-surgical penile enhancements is an inadequately established foundation. Unqualified providers are the second most typical cause. Given that a residency to become a urologist requires six years of hands-on training, it is surprisingly difficult to become a "certified" penis expert after only a couple of weekend training courses.

Unfortunately, providers "lying" to patients about what they're actually putting into their penis is the third most common cause of calamity, with "collagen-inducing permanent filler" being the most common fabrication.
Our most common protocol for non-surgical penis enlargements begins with two foundational layering sessions (six or more weeks apart) involving the off-label injection of an FDA-approved version of hyaluronic acid (HA) into the tissue layers that surround your penis organ. For an average-sized penis, these foundational layers will result in a penis that is approximately 1" thicker than it is now due to the administration of 19.6 mL of HA in two layering sessions. If the patient's penile is larger than average, the second foundational layering session may require an increase in the number of layers.

With these foundational layers in place, patients can progress to a significantly larger size with additional H/A injections or switch to a permanent version using Bellafill® PMMA injections that are inserted deeper, beneath the H/A layers within the subcutaneous shaft tissue.

How Big Can I Become from a Non-Surgical REJUVALL® Enlargement?

Most patients can become as big as they want.

The key to attaining significant increases in penis size is directly related to the quality of the foundation. Even if a patient is certain they only want a permanent result from PMMA injections, we require them to begin with at least one foundational layer of hyaluronic acid (HA). With the H/A base in place, the body's initial reaction to PMMA microspheres is significantly less likely to form granuloma. Experience has taught us that attaining a larger size is entirely dependent on the quality of its foundation.

The majority of patients are satisfied after a one-inch increase in girth. About 30% elect to add two inches of additional circumference. A small percentage of men choose to have penises comparable to the girth of a Coke can. As long as it's compatible with the patient's anatomy, we can assist them in achieving almost any penile size-related objectives.

Are there men who are not good candidates for a Rejuvall® non-surgical penile girth enlargement?

In order to safely increase penile thickness, a patient must first be circumcised.

We provide non-surgical girth procedures for men of every size, shape and health paradigms.
However, there’s two types of men we found that won’t get a good outcome if that start with a penile thickening procedure.
Additionally, we don’t usually recommend starting with a girth procedure on men with a significantly engorged suprapubic fat pad at the base of the penis and micropenis diagnosed patients.
In the former case, simply adding penile girth either exacerbates the effects of a partially buried penis or makes a short penis look even shorter. They require
body contouring and lengthening first.
A patient with an engorged suprapubic fat pad that’s covering a visible portion of the flaccid penis shaft is not a good candidate for a penile thickening as his starting procedure. It will cause the wider penis to visually shorten, sometimes substantially. It’s simply a matter of displacement. They require
body contouring and lengthening first.
A patient with a Micropenis diagnosis is likewise usually not well suited to start with a girth enlargement. While it doesn’t measurably shorten the penile like with overweight patients, it usually gives the
appearance that its shorter.
We find a
penile lengthening procedure to be best suited as the starting point for such cases. A micro penis patient can add girth after first fully optimizing their length. That also means it will end up even bigger.

Where Can I View Authentic "Before and After" Images of REJUVALL Non-Surgical Penis Enlargements?

Follow this link to access our gallery of "before and after" pictures of non-surgical REJUVALL enhancements. You must be at least 18 years old to enter the gallery.

How much does a non-surgical REJUVALL® penile enlargement cost?

The price of a non-surgical REJUVALL® enhancement depends on the number of layers administered, which is contingent on the length of your penis.

Our preferred method is for each patient to receive two sessions of HA filler foundational layering. 97% of patients receive eight foundational layers during their initial session, which equates to 9.6 mL of H/A and a cost of $5,950. A second foundational layering session can be scheduled six weeks after the initial session with an additional eight H/A layers for a total of 19.2 mL of HA from the foundation procedure. The second foundational layering procedure is also $5,950. Men with an average-sized penis will typically experience a one-inch increase in thickness following the establishment of their foundation.

The costs of additional layering sessions or changing to permanent filler is detailed on our
pricing page.

Lots of men are quick to respond "i want permanent" when asked which non-surgical enhancement they prefer but there's more to consider before making that decision.
Will a Non-Surgical REJUVALL Enhancement Lengthen My Penis?


When comparing our
before and after photos of REJUVALL non-surgical penis enlargement, it may appear that the penis grows longer as a result of the injection of filler. However, this optical illusion occurs because of the added weight from the injectable filler.

REJUVALL is America's foremost clinic for penile lengthening technology and the only clinic in the world to guarantee at least one inch of new penis length, but our l
engthening procedure is surgical.

What sort of Post Procedure Care is Involved with a Non-Surgical Enlargement?

Yes, although the actual procedure is rather painless, there will be moderate bruising and possible swelling around the injection sites that should be completely resolved within two weeks from your treatment. The penis will be wrapped in a compression garment and the patient may return to normal daily activities immediately following the treatment. Patients should NOT engage in any sexual activities including self-pleasuring for about 1 week following each treatment as determined by your provider. Engaging in sexual activity sooner or failure to follow the post-treatment care as directed may result in migration of the dermal filler which can lead to poor aesthetic outcomes and other complications. Patients should note that every penis is different and due to the expansion and retraction of the penis, irregularities may occur initially, especially in the flaccid state. This is normal, and any irregularities can be addressed during subsequent treatments as the filler is layered into place.

Using this technique, patients routinely reported HA dermal filler retention at 3 – 4 years and sometimes longer. To date, no patient has returned with a complete loss of filler. Since initially studying the girth enhancement technique, most patients have reported considerable long-term retention. Any minor loss of filler can be regained at any time with a simple touch-up treatment, which requires a minimal amount of filler compared to the initial treatments where most of the bulking is done. It is important to remember that every human body metabolizes HA filler differently. Follow-up treatments of 4 to 6 units may be necessary every 12 – 18 months depending on the patient’s lifestyle, sex life, and the rate at which their body metabolizes the filler. The PhalloFILL® enhancement is highly customizable, so it is important to identify and communicate your goals from the beginning with your PhalloFILL® provider to help determine the best package for your individual needs. During your PhalloFILL® enhancement the filler is layered and sculpted into place for optimal aesthetic results while also blending with your natural tissue. If you notice any abnormalities in shape or asymmetry along the injection plane following your PhalloFILL® treatment do not be alarmed, this will improve as the filler is layered from one session to the next while the desired increase in girth is achieved. Should you want to remove the filler for any reason, a simple solution can be injected that will dissolve the hyaluronic acid or any portion causing a visible irregularity to your dissatisfaction. This is rarely the case, in fact most men add more over time. After the first treatment, an average of 10% in filler reduction can be expected due to the inflammatory process, however the majority of filler will remain and could last up to 6 years or longer. The proven PhalloFILL® enhancement and the optimal placement of filler allow for minimal absorption and maximum retention while maintaining the aesthetically pleasing results you desire within the limitations of your individual anatomy.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) filler can safely be used to increase the size of the glans (head) of the penis, although with less aesthetically appealing results.  The glans is tissue rich in vascularity and lymphatic drainage and the treatment in the glans may only last 3 – 4 months.  The PhalloFILL® enhancement was developed for increased girth to the shaft of the penis.  Hyaluronic acid injections to the glans of the penis are effective for increased size, however patients should not expect the consistent and lasting results as seen on the shaft of the penis. Our goal is for patients to be happy with their aesthetic results and the longevity of their filler retention.  We do not believe the majority of patients will be happy with the results in the glans, where as we can achieve years of longevity in the shaft using the same filler.

You can get a glans enlargement to offset the changes in proportion, but they don’t last long. The glans is home to your “orgasmic” nerve endings, and thus you must be very careful what goes in that space. Enhancing a penis that can no longer achieve orgasm kind of defeats the purpose for the whole project, no? At present, there are no permanent bulking agents considered safe for the glans.

The technique that lead to the development of the PhalloFILL® enhancement leverages a space between two compact layers of connective tissue or fascia. Our enhancement creates a pocket within these layers of fascia that holds the filler. Limited lymphatics and blood flow within this pocket is what allows the filler to last considerably longer than hyaluronic acid filler injections in the face. The face is full of lymphatics and blood flow so the filler often breaks down within 1 year. The same principles apply to the glans or “head” of the penis which due to vascularity will often break down hyaluronic acid filler over the course of several months, whereas the pocket along the shaft allows the same fillers to last for several years.

Pubic Fat Pads, especially those hanging over the penis or engulfing the penis so that very little length is exposed are often difficult and sometimes impossible to treat.  If you have a large pubic fat pad surrounding the shaft of your penis, chances are you have a considerable amount of “lost length” hidden under the fat.  It is important to address the excess fat before we can successfully perform the girth enhancement treatment.  If the girth enhancement treatment is performed prior to addressing the excess fat, the HA filler will often migrate to the end of the shaft as the penis retracts into the fat leaving patients with an undesirable aesthetic result.  In this case we suggest weight loss to expose the hidden length of the shaft or CoolSculpting® on the pubic fat pad to permanently destroy the fat cells that are hiding the length of your penis.  Once we reduce the fat and expose the hidden shaft you can often gain 2 – 3 inches in length and we can enhance the girth of the entire penis safely.

During the PhalloFILL® Enhancement, even and symmetrical columns of filler will be laid along the shaft from the base to the head of your penis for an overall increase in girth. The columns can be laid thicker or thinner in different areas if your goal is to correct irregularities in your natural anatomy. Once the filler has been placed, you will be fitted for a compression garment that will be worn to keep the penis extended and the filler in place while the encapsulation and bonding process takes place with your existing collagen and elastin in your natural tissue. Once bonded, the filler remains in place offering durable and natural results. Limited lymphatics in the pocket the filler is placed allows it to last considerably longer than other areas of your body. While Hyaluronic Acid and other fillers bond to your natural tissue, they are not indestructible and can shift over time depending on the care, sexual lifestyle, and metabolism of filler which varies by patient. A significant benefit of PhalloFILL® and the utilization of Hyaluronic Acid filler as opposed to more permanent options such as PMMA or fat transfers is that we can soften and correct or dissolve almost any irregularity that may arise using a dissolving agent rather than surgical removal which is often necessary to correct migration or nodules, and granulomas associated with permanent fillers. With Hyaluronic acid, a simple injection of the enzyme Hyaluronidase can be used to dissolve any unwanted area of filler and touch ups with additional filler can be performed at any time to fill in areas that may have shifted or metabolized over time. Unlike other treatments, PhalloFILL® is highly customizable, and the non-surgical approach involves no downtime with a minimal recovery. It is important that patients remain diligent with the post-treatment care recommendations of their provider which may vary based on their individual anatomy.
Can I get a REJUVALL Non-Surgical procedure if I already have had penile augmentation before?
It is possible to have a Rejuvall Non-Surgical procedure after other penile augmentation procedures such as filler from other clinics, surgical girth from a fat graft, etc. However, this should be discussed in detail during your confidential doctor consultation.
Rejuvall is one of the world's leading clinics for repairs and correction of major abnormalities caused by problematic penile enlargement procedures. Our surgeon, Kenneth J. Carney, MD, PHARM, FACS is recognized as one of the leading reconstructive urologic surgeons for penile trauma in the USA. Repair procedures require an unperson office visit to properly evaluate your best path.

Can I get a REJUVALL Non-Surgical enlargement if I have Peyronies?
Our clinic is recognized as the leading authority for Peyronie's care and successful treatment.

Injectable fillers Yes, it is possible to have the CALIBRE procedure with Peyronies and it can go some way to improving penile symmetry. However, CALIBRE is not designed to resolve bends in the penis.
Can I fly in for REJUVALL Non-Surgical Enlargement?
Yes, you may fly-in for CALIBRE treatment and it is possible to complete the 2-phase injection program within 7 days so long as all swelling has subsided. However, we request that you avoid flying for 24-48 hours after the final injection session and stay in contact with your treating clinic between sessions.

  • Can I have CALIBRE if I have erectile dysfunction?
Yes, it is possible to have a Rejuvall non-surgical enlargement if you have erectile dysfunction, but we don't recommend that's where you start


the CALIBRE procedure with Peyronies and it can go some way to improving penile symmetry. However, CALIBRE is not designed to resolve bends in the penis.

  • Where is the CALIBRE product injected?
The dermal filler is injected into the Areolar Tissue of the penis, just below the skin and Dartos facia. This can be seen as the outer yellow ring in the image below. The Areolar tissue is external to the main anatomical structures of the penis, which is protected by the Buck’s facia.
FAQDr. Oates FRACS explains how the CALIBRE procedure is performed here:
  • How is the CALIBRE Product injected?
CALIBRE injection into the shaft is performed exclusively with a blunt tipped micro-cannula, via a small access point created with a small needle first. The penis is vascular and it is not a good idea to cut or occlude a blood vessel or other important organ such as the urethra – this can lead to infection and/or tissue death. A blunt tipped micro cannula is bendy and cannot penetrate major blood vessels meaning it is much safer than using a needle. We may use a needle for injecting into the rim of the glans (head). The glans has a much thicker skin over erectile tissue. There are no major blood vessels to obstruct in this area.Dr. Oates FRACS explains the use of blunt-tip cannula over needles in this video:

  • How much product will I need?
The amount of product required to achieve a specific increase will depend upon your natural erect length and girth. The product is a volumizer so 1ml product = 1 ml increase, but this needs to be placed evenly around the full length of the shaft. The recommended volume of product will be discussed and explained during your confidential consultation. With a 15ml augmentation, it is common to achieve a 1-inch increase in the flaccid circumference, which results in around 0.5 to 0.7 inches increase in erect circumference. It is possible to have further top-ups every month after the initial procedure if additional size is desired. *Patient results will vary based upon unique circumstances and should be discussed with your consulting doctor.
  • Are CALIBRE results instant?
Yes, the products used for CALIBRE are volume fillers so for each 1ml injected you get 1ml of volume increase and the results are immediate. You may have some initial swelling, which can be impressive, but this will subside over a few days. It takes a couple of weeks for the dermal fillers to stabilise, absorb water (or stimulate collagen) and look its best.
  • Is a Rejuvall Non-Surgical Procedure Painful?
An important factor in developing Rejuvall's non-surgical procedures was for minimal discomfort. Most commonly, our non-surgical procedures are performed in clinic, in less than an hour with only numbing cream for anaesthetic. The injectable filler also contains local anaesthetic, which numbs the area instantly. The procedure may be a little sensitive at times, but most patients report that it is not painful.
We also can provide PRO-NOX, a medical grade laughing gas therapy to assist with pain management for an additional fee of $125. A rare cases, patients want to be completely "knocked out" during their procedure. In those cases we provide IV sedation for an additional $1,500.
  • How many layering sessions will I need?
We generally split the Rejuvall H/A layering program over 2 sessions approximately 6-8 weeks apart. This tends to optimize the final symmetry and aesthetic results.
  • Can Rejuvall inject HA filler into the glans / penis head?
Yes, it is possible to inject the glans (“head” of the penis), however, it does not respond quite as reliably as the shaft of the penis. In the glans, the erectile tissue is bonded directly to the skin of the glans. Injecting into this thicker skin can cause some compression of the erectile tissue so although it may feel firmer, it might not get the same proportionate increase that we see in the shaft.
Additionally, between the blood flow within the erect copora tissue and the amount of friction the glans endure during sex and masturbation, glans enlargements only last about six months, and usually half that after the first layering session.
  • Can I have gradual top ups?
Yes, it is fine to gradually increase the size of the penis with progressive CALIBRE sessions, every month or so. However, this can make the overall program more expensive given the repeated preparation and post-care follow-up by doctors and staff.
Results from CALIBRE
  • How much bigger from CALIBRE?
CALIBRE is able to produce quite a noticeable increase in the girth of the penis. The product used is a volumizer, so 1ml of product results in 1ml increase in size. The more product the bigger the size, however, we are also aiming for aesthetic symmetry so your CALIBRE doctor will recommend a sensible volume based on natural size and shape.
  • Are results from CALIBRE instant?
Yes, the products used for CALIBRE are volume fillers so for each 1ml injected you get 1ml of volume increase and the results are immediate. You may have some initial swelling, which can be impressive, but this will subside over a few days.It takes a couple weeks for the dermal fillers to stabilise, absorb water (or stimulate collagen) and look its best.
  • How Long does CALIBRE last?

  • FAQMost men won’t notice a significant reduction in the size of their CALIBRE augmentation over the initial 9-12 month period and then a gradual resorption over the next 12 months. A Korean study showed preservation of 90% of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) penis augmentation after 18 months, see this
However, HA resorption rates do differ between patients depending upon their metabolism. Given the large volumes injected (10 ml+), the studies by Allergan have shown 80%+ retention after 18 months, with gradual full resorption up to 30 months. Please refer to the graph below, which measured resorption in the face. Other reports indicate that repeat injection of HA tend to last longer, most likley due to the stimulation of collagen where the filler is placed, which is called fibrogenesis.
We are generally seeing a slightly slower resorption in penile tissue. So far, our patients are showing good retention after 12 months and most only come back within this time frame because they wish to be larger. However, we anticipate most patients will want a top-up of 5-10 ml every 18-24 months, to maintain the size.
  • Recovery after CALIBRE?
There is minimal downtime with CALIBRE, most patients return to work the next day. After the procedure, a stretchy bandage will be wrapped around the penis to minimise swelling and assist with product placement. We ask that you leave this on for 24-48 hours and you may re-wrap if the bandage comes off sooner. With HA’s, there is some initial malleability to the product for 2 weeks after injection. You may use this time to massage any bumps or smooth irregularities, but please don’t over do it. The dermal filler will integrate with penile tissue after 2 weeks, so any residual bumps after this time will need to be dissolved or naturally resorb over time.
Post Care: we advise patient’s to keep the area clean for a week, avoid sexual activity for 5 days (and unprotected anal sex for 7 days), shower daily and after exercise, take any prescribed medications and follow our post-care instructions carefully.
We provide after-hours support line if anything concerns you and ask that you return after 3-4 weeks for review.
  • Potential Complications from CALIBRE?
Whilst complications are rare, you may experience:
  • Some bruising and tenderness. Avoid Vitamin E, blood thinning medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids and St John’s Wort for a week before and after the procedure.
  • Swelling for a few days that may be quite impressive, but will settle. If excessive swelling remains beyond a few days, please contact your treating doctor or clinic.
  • Due to natural tissue bands under the penile skin that are difficult to identify, we may not achieve perfect symmetry in a single session. For this reason, we prefer to inject in a 2-phase program, with corrections made during the 2nd session.
  • Possible hardening of product forming a lump (granulomas). These can occur after a few weeks/months and it is important to resolve quickly. Please contact your treating doctor or clinic for review and advice.
  • Possible infection, which is the most serious concern. We perform CALIBRE in a sterile field and we may prescribe you precautionary antibiotics after CALIBRE, please ensure you complete the full course. If you feel any significant pain, heat or difficulty passing urine, please call and speak to your doctor or clinic as soon as possible.
  • Can the product migrate?
For CALIBRE we generally use a highly cross-linked, dense hyaluronic acid called. This is injected with a very precise technique and the product is carefully placed and moulded for even symmetry and to minimise the chance of pooling or migration towards the base or glans. Our Doctors also like to inject larger volumes in 2+ sessions to optimise product placement. Whilst the product is soft enough to gently massage for up to 2 weeks after injection (which is useful to smooth any residual bumps), it will integrate with penile tissue after this time and remain in place.
To minimise swelling/bruising, please stop taking Vitamin E, anti-inflammatory drugs, St John’s Wort, Aspirin and other blood-thinning medications at least 1 week before the procedure.
  • Returning to Sexual Activity?
We advise patients to abstain from sexual activity for at least 3 days and from unprotected anal sex for one week to allow the tiny injection points to fully heal and minimize the risk of infection.
  • IS CALIBRE noticeable for my sexual partner?
We initially thought the CALIBRE procedure would be a “locker room” confidence boost as the biggest change was seen in the flaccid penis girth. Further, men get less “shrinkage” so it looks longer in the flaccid state too. However, what we have found (especially with larger volumes > 15ml), the sexual partner will definitely feel the increase in girth. Girth is generally believed to be more important than length in satisfying a partner because the vast majority of the sensory nerves are at the opening rather than at the depth of the vagina or anus.
  • Will my penis function normally?
There are no reported changes in erection, sensation or orgasm after the CALIBRE procedure.
  • Will my penis feel normal?
Yes, when erect, most patients will not notice any substantial difference in the firmness of the penis. However, some patients say that when flaccid the penis feels slightly more “squishy” than normal. This is generally related to the starting size and the volume of filler used.

  • Will I have lumps/ bumps?
The CALIBRE technique has been refined and improved over 3 years using different products and injection methods/programs. So long as patients follow their treating doctor’s advice and return for reviews, the CALIBRE technique produces consistently reliable and smoothly distributed product throughout the penis with no lumps or bumps. *The results do vary between patients, so if any asymmetry or lumps are observed, please return for a review with your treating doctor who may be able to resolve.

  • Is a stretcher device required after CALIBRE?
No, post-care is minimal. Please refer to “Recovery after CALIBRE?”
Mixing H/A and PMMA?

About the products used
  • What products are used for CALIBRE?
We have trialed a variety of TGA approved dermal filler products since 2014 in developing the CALIBRE technique. Our goal was to identify the safest dermal filler suitable for penile augmentation, with sufficient longevity to justify the financial spend. After our trials, we recommend a biodegradable, highly bound volumizing product (within the hyaluronic acid “HA” family) that can be quickly ‘dissolved’ in the event of any complications or asymmetry. This product is a sugar-based gel already present in skin and tissue, which is broken down naturally by the body over 18-24+ months. Various viscosities of HA are available to address different areas of the penis shaft, neck and glans, as required. We continue to evaluate other biodegradable dermal fillers (PCL) with longer duration e.g. 2-5 years. These products may be more appealing for some patients and we do offer PCL (instead of HA) for those patient who are informed and accept the properties and higher risk profile. PCL is a more expensive option given the higher cost price.
We do not mix different dermal filler types due to the uncertain interaction and potential risk of infection.
Note – we do not support use of permanent fillers (such as PMMA or Free Fat Transfer) for any cosmetic purpose. We have seen terrible complications with permanent fillers over the years and consider these too high a risk for penile augmentation.
Product Comparison Chart
  • What is Hyaluronic Acid?
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a naturally occurring chain of sugars found in the skin and tissue of all animals, which is broken down and regenerated relatively quickly by the body. HAs that are used for cosmetic purposes have been replicated in a lab. They are generally cross-linked to extend duration once they are injected. The more cross-linking, the firmer the product and the longer it tends to last. Body tissue has natural Hyaluronidase, the enzyme that breaks down Hyaluronic Acid into carbon dioxide and water. Other factors such as natural metabolism, excessive exercise and medications may also affect how quickly HAs are broken down.
Given the premium HA products used in the CALIBRE procedure, most men won’t notice any significant change in the size of their augmentation over a 12 month period but this does vary (refer FAQ: How long does CALIBRE last?).
  • Any Risks with Hyaluronic acid?
As HA is a sugar and contains no protein there is very low risk of allergic reaction, however, there does remain a small risk especially for people with an underlying autoimmune disease. Hyaluronic Acid has a great ability to hold water to itself (in fact 10,000x its own weight). Occasionally, this can cause issues with swelling and product migration. There is always a small risk with any injection of vessel occlusion (if using needles, not with cannula), infection or delayed granuloma (hard lump). However, these risks can be mitigated or managed with sterile procedures, antibiotics or dissolving product with synthetic Hyaluronidase.
In the event of any abnormal result or complication, please contact your CALIBRE doctor or clinic immediately. The sooner you seek review, the easier it will be to resolve complications effectively.
  • What can I do if I absorb HA quickly?
Unfortunately, there is a chance your body will break down HA faster than expected and it is not possible for us to know this prior to treatment.We are currently researching and trialling other TGA-approved dermal fillers (Bio-stimulators), with potential to last 3 years or longer. These products have similar volumizing effects and will eventually resorb, however, we cannot immediately dissolve in the event of lumps or complications. These products are also more expensive.We view these as an alternative for patients who do not respond well to HA or those looking for a longer-lasting option and willing to accept the higher risk. On the flip-side, these products tend to be firmer and produce good placement when injected by an experienced CALIBRE doctor.
  • What is the cost of CALIBRE?
The cost of CALIBRE depends entirely on how much product and what type of product you select. Please refer to the Prices page for latest rates and occasional promotions.


How long is the average penis?
Penis’ come in all different sizes, and there are numerous averages based on different studies. With a number of variables for a study researching penis size; like whether participants measure themselves, temperature, arousal levels, age, weight, medication and any existing health conditions, the answer can vary.
A study which we found to be the most conclusive was by Professor David Veale of London Medical School, published in the British Journal of Urology in 2014. The study compared the length and circumference of the penis of over 15,500 men, discovering that:
The average length of a flaccid penis is 9.2cm (3.7 inches), whilst erect is 13.1cm (5.25 inches). The average penis circumference size when flaccid was 9.3cm (3.75 inches), and erect was 11.7cm (4.7 inches).
Is the penis a muscle?
The penis is not a muscle. The penis is an external organ made up of spongy erectile tissue that fills with blood when you get an erection. Many men think the penis is a muscle because they can flex their penis (move it up and down), but this movement is really caused by flexing pelvic muscles. If you want to improve these flexing skills, look into Kegel exercises!
How do I clean my penis?
The cornerstone of your penile health is keeping your penis clean. An unwashed penis can cause a build-up of smegma in your foreskin. Smegma is normal, but too much can produce an odour or inflammation.
To clean your penis, gently separate the foreskin from the glans, cleaning this area underneath the foreskin with lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser, then rinse. After washing, return the foreskin to its natural position. You can also pull the foreskin back again to gently towel dry your penis, returning it back once towelled off.
Can you break your penis?
A penis fracture occurs when there is substantial injury or bend inflicted on an erect penis. A penile fracture is different to other areas of the body as the penis has no bones. The term fracture, in this case, is used to describe the break in the tunica albuginea (layer of fibrous tissue around the erectile tissue). In a penile fracture, the erectile tissue, aka the corpus cavernosum, can also be damaged.
What is a micropenis?
A penis is considered micro when it falls well below the average size range of penis size for infants. A micropenis is due to a lack of response to certain hormones while the infant’s genitalia develops in the womb. A micropenis looks and functions just like any other average size penis, and can still be fertile.
What is a buried/inverted penis?
An inverted penis, also called a buried penis, is where the penis is covered by excess skin or fat. Due to this covering in the pubic, abdomen or scrotum area, the penis can appear smaller than it actually is. A buried penis can be caused by excessive fluid retention, excess fat, ligament problems and complications following circumcision.

How to fix a buried penis?
Those with a buried penis may experience psychological disadvantages or affected urination and sexual arousal. Sometimes maintaining a healthy weight isn’t enough to stop a buried penis, and so losing weight doesn’t fix how ‘hidden’ the penis appears. In these cases, treatment for a buried penis usually involves surgery.
How do I measure my penis?
The best way to measure your penis is with a soft measuring tape. When measuring the length of your penis, place the end of the tape where the shaft begins from the pubic bone, holding the tape along the shaft and extending it to the tip of the penis. To measure the girth of your penis, the best indicator of size is to wrap the tape around the middle of your shaft.
How to increase my penis size?
CALIBRE specialises in injectable penis augmentation. This non-surgical treatment requires minimal downtime, and results can be seen immediately. You can read more about our answer to penis enlargement here.

Phallofill Q&A

Callibre Q&A
Androfill Q&A
Rachel Questions Q&A at top

Am I a Good Rejuvall Non-Surgical Enlargement Candidate?
Rejuvall® non-surgical enhancements are the least restrictive pathways we offer in comparison to other enlargement procedures at Rejuvall regarding any pre-existing health issues or lifestyle contras.
For instance, you can still smoke cigarettes or have an elevated A1C diabetic score and still get a Rejuvall
® non-surgical procedure
The only “macro” requirement for all penile thickening procedures (both surgical and non-surgical) is that you first be circumcised.
How much thickness can be added to my penis with a Rejuvall Non-Surgical procedure?
When most patients decide to finally pull the trigger on a penile enhancement, they often feel compelled to become as big as possible as fast as possible.
That’s a nightmare begging to become reality. Some men don’t like the change in outer penile texture with select girth bulking agents. If you start more slowly you can easily adjust your best suited pathway.
Penile thickness is most commonly increased by adding a bulking agent to the subcutaneous tissue layers that surround the penile organ. Note the small size of the subcutaneous layers in the illustration. You can only add but so much at the start to ensure a good outcome.
The good news is that human skin and tissue are very stretchable. Variations in the size of women’s buttocks over time is a classic example of the pliability of fat tissue and skin. Alas, it requires adequate
time to safely expand.
can eventually add nearly unlimited amounts of penile thickness given adequate time for the skin to stretch between procedures. The limitation with penile width is in how much you can add at one time. You can safely add about one inch of girth at a time. Alas, we usually don’t recommend that you keep adding width beyond a certain point since it can make the penis appear distinctive as the width proportion in comparison to the glans (head of the penis) get out of alignment. In extreme cases, it transforms the appearance of a circumcised penis to that of an uncircumcised manifestation. Some men are fine with this change because of the heightening response from intimate partners. Others don’t feel it looks appealing.

Surgical vs. non-surgical girth: Which path is right for you?

We provide two pathways for increasing penile thickness:
surgical and non-surgical. The key benefits of our dermal filler versions for non-surgical enlargement are fast recovery and little or no missed time at work.
Additionally, you can be a cigarette smoker, be diabetic with an elevated A1C, have a heart condition – you name it. Almost every man is a candidate for a non-surgical dermal filler enhancement. We offer a variety of FDA-Approved non-surgical injectable dermal filler enhancements. It’s a great way to “test drive” a thicker penis. If you love it, you can decide to pursue a longer lasting pathway during a subsequent visit. However, if it’s not your thing it will all be gone within six months to two years, depending upon which version you choose. Also, hyaluronic acid versions can be completely reversed through a few injections of diluted hyaluronidase. 
The only men
not well suited for non-surgical dermal fillers are those with an engorged supra pubic fat pad where a portion of the penis shaft is buried within the enlarged pad and men diagnosed with micro penis. With the former, the penis will usually end up half its present length because the added girth will cause the penis to retract further into the fat pad. Adding girth to a micro penis makes it appear visibly shorter because of the change in proportion. We strongly suggest those patients first get a lengthening procedure and complete all the associated aftercare to optimize their case before considering added thickness.
The advantage of Rejuvall’s PERMAThick™ surgical girth procedure is that its all-natural and provides the biggest, life-lasting result.

Do you offer silicone implants for enlargement?
No, we do not.
However, we are one of the leading clinics to
repair men who incurred damage from a silicone penile implant for enlargement.
In our opinion, the absolute
worst product in terms of anything regarding penile enhancement is silicone, whether through black market injections or the FDA-cleared versions. The injectable liquid versions tempt some because the low cost and longevity.

However, unlike injected PMMA, which can be chemically or surgically removed if you’re unhappy with the outcome, injected silicone stays inside you for the rest of your life. Likewise, you can’t change course toward another type of penile girth enhancement if you start with silicone – you’re stuck. Finally, a urologist will never be able to examine your inner penile health if that need arises as silicone blocks the view of ultrasonic sonography. Remember, life-lasting can also relate to your longevity of dealing with a lifetime of problems.
We believe a silicone implant to enlarge a penis is likewise a bad idea. The manufacturers of penile prosthetic implants for severe erectile dysfunction tried this decades ago to maintain all the original penile length like before the prosthetic was installed. They discovered that triggered an unacceptable number of cases with infection and many men who ended up with a fibrotic build up at the base of their organ (a byproduct of intensive sexual intimacy) and in some cases, severe Peyronie’s disease.
Female silicone implants for breast enlargement have a relaxed existence atop a rib cage. The journey of a penis is far more violent between intercourse and masturbation. The risks and complications far outweigh the rewards in our opinion.
We strongly advise all new patients to begin with procedures where you have the maximum number of future options if you change your mind about your direction later.
For this reason, we don’t recommend using the only FDA-approved PMMA product (Bellafill) to a beginner. Once PMMA is injected into the subcutaneous tissue surrounding the penis organ, several other potential future girth enhancing options like a Fat Tissue Transplant or Dermal Graft Transplant can no longer be employed since PMMA permanently restrict the necessary blood in the outer shaft tissue to support any form of transplant. Also, as mentioned earlier, it blocks the ability for a urologist to see inside your penis with duplex Doppler ultrasound technology in the event you face a penile health event in the future or have a need for PGE injections to enhance function as you age.

Can I switch between the different Rejuvall® non-surgical injectable filler agents?
Yes, you can. Lots of men start with DermaThick H/A injections because of its low price to “try out” what a penis enlargement will be like in their life. Afterwards, they can switch to any other version of Rejuvall non-surgical enhancements.
The only pathway that hinders future options is Bellafill’s FDA-approved PMMA injections. You can’t subsequently add a fat-tissue transplant on top of a BellaThickening procedure. Ironically, you can add Bellafill on top of any fat tissue transplant to add a bit more thickness, or smooth out an area you’re not happy about.
Both surgical and non-surgical fat tissue transplant procedures require extra blood flow to help ensure the transplant succeeds. PMMA will block such blood flow. Tus, if you think you might want to eventually switch to an FTT pathway in the future, we recommend you stick to hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers early on.

What is your policy for Touch Up & Supplemental Injection Policies for RejuvallLite® Non-Surgical Penile Girth Enhancements
With SemiPerm and RestYLite
Policies with PermaLite and Bellafill
Any application of a dermal filler into the subcutaneous tissue surrounding the penis organ will experience some unevenness somewhere within the penile shaft, particularly after the first application. Rejuvall’s SemiPerm™ with MacroSculpting™ application technology results in less irregularities than competing cannula delivered versions and with far less aftercare required to achieve optimal results. Usually, the only person who would notice such anomalies is the patient. Most any issue with unevenness gets completely resolved during a supplemental procedure as the tissue becomes more comfortable with increased hyaluronic acid in the area.
Touch Up Injection Procedure
If a post-procedure irregularity affects your self-confidence, you have up to 60 days after your SemiPerm to schedule application of up to 2 ML of supplementary Juvéderm
® Voluma to level the area in for just the cost of the filling agent which is $450 per ML.
Supplemental Injection Procedure
If you would like to resolve unevenness and
also increase the girth of your penis and/or enlarge the glans and you schedule your supplemental procedure within 60 days following your initial SemiPerm, we’ll give you $500 off the price of a 5 or 10 ML JuvaFlow™ enhancement procedure.
You say I must first be circumcised before getting a RejuvallLite® girth enhancement, but I found doctors who will enhancement my girth even though I’m circumcised. What gives?
Our surgeon is recognized as one of the leading penile reconstructive surgeons on the planet. According to him, there’s over 30 different results that can go very wrong with a girth enhanced uncircumcised penis. Several of those outcomes can cause devastating outcomes over time, including complete loss of penile function.
It’s not safe. We won’t do it. We strongly advise against patients following this path.
Is there anything else I should be concerned about with a Rejuvall non-surgical enhancement?
Some cases can experience delayed healing because of a deeper than normal scar line left behind from a circumcision performed just after birth. About 20% of men face this issue with a surgical girth enlargement, but it can also affect non-surgical enlargements in about 5% of cases.
Most circumcisions are performed just after birth by the delivering physician. For the sake of speed, infancy circumcisions are performed by pulling the foreskin back away from the glans and cutting away the excess skin along the penile shaft.
Looking down at your penis when flaccid or erect you will notice a “lighter” toned skin coloring in the area closest to the glans (head) of your penis if your circ was performed just after birth. This is called the “inner prepuce”, it’s a less dense and less durable dermis than typical penile shaft skin since it was previously situated beneath the outer foreskin before that was trimmed away.

The Issue: A Hidden Scar Line
Anytime an incision is made into the epidermis, a scar forms during healing. With deep incisions, the scar often remains visible upon the outer skin. With minor incisions like those performed during an infant circumcision, the scar becomes invisible, but it remains beneath the skin.
None of this mattered until the advent of penile girth enlargements. The prepuce skin in the distal portion of the penile shaft has no impact on sexual performance or sensitivity.
We discovered that infancy circ scar lines slow the healing process in about 20% of patients getting a penile girth enhancement. The degree of recovery delay is based upon how deeply the delivering physician cut into the tissue surrounding the penis organ when performing the circ.
Unfortunately, an infant circumcision cannot be reversed and there’s no way for us to appraise the depth of the original incision prior to an enlargement.
Thus, it’s something we’ve learned to navigate during girth enhancement procedures, but it sometimes requires patience and dedication on the part of the patient with following prescribed aftercare techniques or follow up visits at our clinic.
Circ Scar Line: Three potential sources for delayed healing

1. Blocked lymphatic drainage
The most common impediment to healing from an infancy circ is when the residual circumcision scar line is substantial enough to create a barrier that inhibits post-surgical swelling fluids from readily exiting the area behind the circ scar line. Basically, the scar line blocks the lymphatic drainage necessary for healthy healing.
This condition will usually manifest with what looks like a “pinched” narrow line around the penile shaft between the circ line and the glans. Residual trapped fluid from swelling that can’t effectively get reabsorbed into the body, will often resemble a thick neck area around the glans.
Complications with non-surgical enhancements from a heavier circ scar line are usually easier to resolve than surgical thickening procedures due to the simple fact there’s less swelling involved in non-surgical procedures. It’s also why we remain emphatic about starting with 10ML of the chosen dermal filler, so we can first condition the inner prepuce during the first treatment. This is particularly true with Bellafill PMMA since it triggers an inflammatory response after injection that causes continued growth in thickness for 4-8 weeks after the procedure. Since we switched to only using five syringes of PMMA with each administration, we’ve had no problems with this issue.
2.  Circ Scar Line: Fat necrosis trapped behind scar line
(Only relates to a PermaLite enhancement) A Fat Tissue Transplant is performed exactly as it sounds.  Healthy, living adipose fat cells are harvested from a select location and transplanted to the outer layers of the penis to make it naturally thicker.
We harvest “extra” fat cells in anticipation of the fact some of the transplanted fat cells won’t survive the relocation process (We typically lose between 30%-35%).
Dead fat cells located beneath the circ scar line are usually easily reabsorbed into the body. However, fat cells that expire in the area
above the circ scar line sometimes get trapped and can’t easily reabsorb and turn into palpable nodules known as fat necrosis (dead fat cells).
Resolving healing issues from infancy circumcision scar lines
Rejuvall provides both at-home and in office solution pathways for disrupted healing triggered by a deeper than usual infancy circumcision scar line.
Please follow the instructions of your provider to help with healing and make time for appointments if requested for in-office follow up

How safe is this procedure?
The procedure is safe.
Complications are rare and usually minor, including temporary swelling and mild bruising.
For more details on risks and possible complications, see here
Worldwide, the number of facial aesthetic procedures performed using reversible dermal fillers exceeds 5 million each year.
Complications are exceedingly rare when a reversible dermal filler is injected by an experienced doctor.
The number of procedures performed using reversible penis filler to enlarge the penis is approximately 20,000 per year worldwide.
This is the safest medical approach available to thicken the penis.
How much more girth will I gain?
The amount of girth gained depends on the length of the penis and the amount of filler injected.
Your doctor may recommend an initial treatment of 8 – 10 mls of filler for an estimated 1 to 2 cm increase in penis circumference (thickness), depending on penis length and other factors such as skin thickness and elasticity.
A shorter penis will require less filler, and therefore less cost. Conversely, a longer penis will require more filler.
Individual results will vary from patient to patient and results can not be accurately predicted.
For a link to estimates of the amount of filler required to achieve your goal, please click here.
Some patients will achieve more volume increase from a given amount of filler than others.
An increase of 2 cm to 3 cm is roughly a 20-30% increase in the thickness of the average penis.
This is a substantial gain in penis size and will require some adjustment before any additional increase is contemplated.
The increase in girth can certainly be noticeable during sex, for both you and your partner, and we strongly recommend testing your new girth with any long term partner, before opting for any additional size gains.
Further injections can be provided at a follow-up appointment if additional girth is desired, and patients have flexibility in determining the amount of girth gained, within medically acceptable limits.
In terms of the volume of filler added to the penis, HA is one of the most hygroscopic molecules known in nature, meaning that it absorbs water from the surrounding tissue.
The safest and most effective approach is to add girth cumulatively, in manageable steps and with repeat visits, rather than an ‘all in one go’ approach.
See our Before and After section for typical results.
* Individual results may vary from person to person.
How soon after the girth enhancement can I have sex?
You should not have sexual intercourse for fourteen days following the procedure.
This ensures that all injection points are completely healed over, in order to reduce any chance of infection.
During the first 3-5 days, the filler is malleable and may migrate away from the location it was injected should the patient engage in sexual intercourse too early.

Is it true that the results will be instant?
Your penis will be instantly thicker following the treatment, due to the filler added to the penis.
You can book in for the treatment on the same day as your consultation with the plastic surgeon and have both the consultation and the treatment completed within the hour.
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How easy is the procedure?
You could, for example, come in during your lunch hour and have a 30-minute consultation with the doctor.
Then, if you wanted to go ahead, the doctor would give you some numbing cream to apply to the penis.
Then wait 30 minutes; for the penis to go numb. Local anaesthetic is then injected to minimise any discomfort.
You then lay back and the doctor injects the filler into a layer within the penis shaft instantly thickening the penis.
You could go straight back to work if you take it easy, for example, if you work in an office.
However, you should avoid strenuous manual labour or heavy lifting (public gyms) for one week, or as instructed by your doctor.
– You’re unlikely to experience pain during the procedure, or during the recovery.
A video of the complete procedure is shown below.
It is possible to complete the procedure with only one needle incision through the use of a cannula if preferred.

Does the girth procedure require me to visit a hospital?
This is a non-invasive approach to increasing the girth of the penis, using established techniques from aesthetic medicine.
The procedure itself is completed in less than 30 minutes, with the application of topical anaesthetic cream only.
You will be awake during the procedure which involves the doctor injecting the reversible dermal filler under the skin of the penis around the penis shaft.
Patients are able to leave the clinic directly after the procedure and are free to walk or drive home.
The procedure requires no stitches and leaves only tiny injection points from the filler syringe, which close on their own in a matter of seconds.

Can I drive home after the penis enlargement surgery operation?
You are able to drive home following the procedure, you will not be sedated and you are unlikely to be in discomfort.

Are there any stitches required?
No stitches are required.
Your doctor may use a surgical glue to seal small incisions made in order to insert a cannula.

Will my penis will be normal after girth enhancement?
The penis will function normally in terms of erection and urination. The angle of the erection may be lower due to the increased weight of the penis, and the penis may hang slightly lower when soft (less retraction).  The penis will have more girth or thickness when soft and when hard.
The angle of the erection may be lower due to the increased weight of the penis, and the penis may hang slightly lower when soft (less retraction).  The penis will have more girth or thickness when soft and when hard.
The penis will have more girth or thickness when soft and when hard.

Will the filler reabsorb after the girth enhancement?
The filler will slowly reabsorb.
Depending on the type of filler most reversible dermal fillers have a half-life (meaning 50% has gone) at between 12 to 24 months following your procedure.
Biostimulator penis fillers have a longer half-life, up to 4 years depending on the product type.
Eventually, all of the dermal filler will be passed out of the body.
You may need approximately 1/2 the original amount of filler again in a repeat treatment, usually in 12-24 months if you wish to maintain your extra penis girth.
Results will vary from patient to patient.
If a reversible filler is used, the filler can be dissolved away instantly through the injection of an enzyme.
This is an important additional safety aspect of a reversible filler and is sometimes requested if the extra girth is causing your partner any difficulties during sex.
(In short, the reversible filler can be dissolved away).
In our experience, partner dissatisfaction is rare, with the vast majority of patients experiencing improved sexual relations following the girth enhancement.
It is important to know, that while very rare, it is possible for the filler to be reabsorbed in only a matter of months, particularly if there is an immune system response to the filler.
This is not the expected or likely outcome, but it is possible.
How soon after the first girth enhancement will I need a repeat visit?
Depending on the rate of reabsorption, and the product type used, a repeat will be required within 12-24 months.
The volume of additional filler required will be lower than in the initial procedure, due to residual filler remaining.
Biostimulator fillers can have a half-life of up to 4 years.
It is important to know, that while very rare, it is possible for the filler to be reabsorbed in only a matter of months. This is not the expected outcome, but it is possible.

Is there any limit to how much penis filler I can have?
We offer an initial 8-10 mls of filler, after which additional filler can be added, if desired, after 2 weeks.
This is the safest approach.
It is possible to have more filler, but this must be done cumulatively for the best result, and the highest level of safety.
Ultimately, the girth limit will be determined by the doctor.

Is this penis enlargement technique used anywhere else?
The technique is available at the North Valley Plastic Surgery in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, and at the Nefretete Klinik in Bonn, Germany and is relatively common in South Korea.
Enlarging the girth of the penis through the injection of reversible penis fillers is steadily replacing surgery due to the relative safety of the procedure versus surgery.
In countries where girth enhancement is more commonplace, such as in South Korea, an injectable filler is now used in over 80% of penile girth enhancement procedures and the percentage is steadily increasing.
Injectable filler enlargement of the penis is now the most popular penis girth procedure worldwide.

Is it abnormal to want a bigger penis?
You fit squarely within the normal range of men.
If you want a bigger penis you are in the majority – most men would enjoy a larger penis.
Opting to increase penis girth is more normal (some might argue) than:
  • Investing significant time in the gym body-building (steroids and supplements)
  • Spending excessively on luxuries for the ego, such as the cliché of a sports car
  • Just going through life unsatisfied with an important aspect of your body and identity when there is a relatively easy solution.

I have a really short penis. Will Androfill do anything for penis length?
For erect length, no.
For flaccid length, yes, the weight of the filler can cause it to hang slightly lower in the flaccid state.
* Individual results will vary from person to person.
However, as is also the case for ‘penis lengthening surgery‘, there is no increased length in the erect state.
For the majority of men, it is extra length when hard that matters, not more length when soft.
The good news for heterosexual couples is that there is evidence that the majority of women prefer penis girth over penis length.  Penis girth is what is provided by this procedure.
In a University of Texas Study, 90% of partners preferred a wider penis while only 10% preferred a longer penis, a link to the study is here.
A study by UCLA’s Sexual Psychophysiology and Affective Neuroscience (SPAN) Laboratory found that women prefer a larger penis girth for casual sex.
Results of this study, as reported by LiveScience, have not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Why would I go for this non-surgical approach rather than surgery?
Penile surgery is a higher risk and largely obsolete approach to penis enlargement.
A surgical approach is taking unnecessary risks, with your penis and the results are inferior.
For penis thickness, surgery is no longer necessary.  
Androfill Reversible Penis Fillers:
  • Treatment time in minutes rather than hours;
  • recovery time is short, and recovery procedures are simple;
  • minimal to no pain and discomfort during recovery time;
  • no surgical cutting and limited bleeding if any caused by the injection, rather than incisions and open surgery;
  • no scarring;
  • requires only local anaesthesia;
  • no requirement for general anaesthesia, or sedation or the use of epidurals;
  • substantial and long-lasting size gains are possible – the treatment is effective;
  • affordable with a lower cost than surgery;
  • maintenance of girth gains actually costs less than fat transfer surgery  (fat absorbs and requires repeat surgeries);
  • a high rate of patient satisfaction;
  • repeatable for cumulative penis enlargement.

What about fat transfer or lipofilling to the penis?
It might sound like a good idea to make the penis “fatter” by using fat.
However, the penis is not made of fat, to begin with.
The likelihood is that you will require ongoing repeat surgery, or ‘top-ups’.
The NHS position is generally negative on Free Fat Transfer (FFT) for penis enlargement, as is the American Urological Association.

I have been thinking about enlarging my penis, what is the first step?
Take some time to research online, including websites other than those of cosmetic surgery clinics.
Websites provided by the government are generally the best bet.
Try these sources:
Link 1      Link 2
Link 1

Isn’t there something permanent I can inject into the penis?
Permanent substances can be injected into the penis, however injecting a permanent substance, usually, a form of plastic or polymer, is high risk.

What is a normal size for a penis? Should I consider girth enhancement?
Many men choose to have girth enhancement purely to increase self-confidence or as an ego boost, and may not have a small penis at all.
The majority of our patients have an average penis size.
For those in long-term relationships, consideration should be given to the penis size preference of one’s partner.
Incompatibility in size between male and female sexual organs can be the cause of significant dissatisfaction in sexual relationships.
This may mean that it is inadvisable to proceed with a girth increase (if your partner prefers a smaller or thinner penis for example).

Is penis filler toxic?
The reversible penis filers we use are not toxic and are based on a compound that is naturally produced by, and found throughout the body.
Reversible dermal fillers have been used in facial aesthetics for a number of years (to plump up the lips or give definition to the cheekbones for example). This compound is also found in the joints where it forms an important part of the synovial fluid that cushions the joints.
For more information on the types of fillers used by international Androfill Clinics, please follow this link to Androfill UK

What can I do if I don’t like the result?
If you have used a reversible penis filler you can have it dissolved away.
This is one reason why reversible penis fillers are a safer approach to penis enlargement than other methods.
Put simply, in the unlikely event you wish to return to your normal penis size, you can do so, by either waiting for the filler to naturally dissolve itself or by injecting an enzyme to dissolve it instantly into water.
You would, of course, be out of pocket by the amount of the initial procedure. However, unlike penis enlargement surgery and its associated complications, you would not be stuck with a permanent result that you or your partner are unhappy with.
What else should I do to prepare for the procedure?
There are no pre-tests required.
Read widely on the subject of penis enlargement, particularly from government or official sources.
See Medical Studies

How long will the treatment take?
The procedure itself takes less than 30 minutes on an out-patient basis.
You should allow 2 to 3 hours for a consultation with the doctor, and for topical and local anaesthetics to take effect.
You can leave the clinic and walk or drive home straight away.

What are your payment methods?
We accept all major credit cards.